Firewire 1394 Adapter 4 Pin to 4 pin
Works for Apple Ilink and Sony Firewire and all other 1394a Specifications.
Premium Quality Molded Adapter with Gold plated contacts.
This is wired
IMPORTANT NOTE when connecting two 4p-4p cables together you will end up with a straight wire 1-1 2-2 3-3 4-4.
As most 4p-4p Firewire Cable reverse the wires inside the cable like a crossover cable.
So you end up with a double reverse which ends up Straight.
I prefer when needing a longer 4p4p Cable to just go with
15ft Part
25ft Part
These also reduce the resistance created from the additional contacts need on the adapters.
Adapter has two female 4-p 4-Pin Connectors.